Enrollment and Transfer


Please click the link below to download the Enrollment Form. This form only needs to be completed by students living IN-DISTRICT, CURRENT STUDENTS RE-ENROLLING FOR THE UPCOMING YEAR, OR IF THE SCHOOL OFFICE ADVISED YOU TO COMPLETE THE FORM. If you are applying for a transfer, please download the transfer application form below and return to the office. The enrollment form does NOT need to be completed for those students applying for a transfer until the student has been accepted.

Transfer Applications

We will be accepting Transfer Application for the 2025-2026 school year on Tuesday, January 14th. We will have numbered cones set up in our parking lot. Please pull in to one of the cones, in numerical order, and physically stay in your vehicle. Mr. Hood will come to your car beginning at 8:00 A.M. to take your form. Applications will be taken in order as a first come, first served basis depending on availability in each grade. Siblings will have priority. If you have a child who is a sibling of a current student, you DO NOT need to attend the date in January. Please complete the form and return it to us by January 10th. If you have any questions on the process, please call Lacey at the school at 405-262-5647.

Siblings of current students and students who reside in our district have priority. At this time, we are already full for our 2025-2026 Pre-K class due to the amount of siblings and in-district students. You are still welcome to come on January 14th to get on our waiting list.

Rules for transfer applicants:
1. There will be numbered cones in the Maple School parking lot.
2. Park in order of arrival.
3. Someone must remain in the car while it is parked.
4. It is okay to take shifts with other occupants while parked.
5. Mr. Hood will start accepting applications at 8:00 A.M.